Introvert, extrovert, and ambivert
People are all different and can be divided into many groups according to a great many criteria. One of those used to determine a person’s psychotype is their relationship to the world around them and their own, their own inner world. The way a person interacts with the world around him and where more of his energy is directed can determine whether he is an introvert, an extrovert, or an ambivert.

What is an introvert? This is a person for whom their inner world, their content and fullness take precedence over the outer world. There are extreme introversions, when contacts with society become minimal, and moderate ones, when metered contacts are quite acceptable and enjoyable. Who is an extrovert? This is a person for whom life without active interaction with the outside world is unthinkable. He does not like to be alone. What is an ambivert? It is something in between the psychotypes described above. Such people can easily be alone without the risk of falling into depression, but not as long as introverts. At the same time, they also feel comfortable in the company of other people, but not too long and often.
An introvert at apogee is a person who is completely self-sufficient. The higher the degree of introversion, the more self-sufficient. Clearly, absolute extremes are both absolute rarities. Completely self-sufficient people are virtually non-existent, and those who we mostly refer to as introverts are still not 100% self-sufficient. All introverts are not particularly bored alone.
The introvert lives “inside”, occasionally feeling a desire to get something from the outside from communicating with other people. The extrovert, on the other hand, lives “outside. He thinks of himself only as part of society. He easily establishes contacts, knows how to please people. Also, people of this psycho-type very easily and naturally express their emotions in public. Achievement as a person extrovert can only in the eyes of society, so these people are very strongly developed ambition.

This is completely “a man of the crowd”, which means he must be able to follow its laws – to be in a trend, dress well, be able to present himself, be moderately generous and sympathetic. Their main trick is the ability to work in a team, which is extremely difficult for introverts. Working in a team or working with people is the best application of their natural sociability and initiative. Naturally, among the people of this psychotype there are different subtypes. This and cheerful optimists who love life and take the most out of it. This careerists who build relationships achieve a better position and various benefits. This and romantics who need communication as air to maintain a positive emotional background.
Ambivert is a person who has a changeable psychotype. You could also put it this way. An introvert is a bystander. An extrovert is always an active participant. But an ambivert is someone who, depending on the state of his internal switch, can be either one or the other. If he’s suddenly become a starter in a particular case, it doesn’t mean he’ll do exactly the same in another similar situation. The ambivert, as a rule, alternates between states inherent in one of the extreme psychotypes and the other. For example, right now he may feel good to be alone, but after some time it will begin to press on him, which will eventually make him change the vector to some form of communication or other activity.