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How to find the most matching one?

How is a person different from an animal? We were asked this question in high school in social studies lessons, and it took several minutes of reflection, a series of incorrect assumptions to reveal the one and only property that puts humanity on a different level of development. This is the ability to create.

It is customary to speak of creativity, talent, and giftedness as sublime and unattainable for much special ability to create something new, different from the already known and ordinary. But if you ask what creativity is in its essence, you will find that each person understands this in his own way. This is the result of art, and self-expression, and the creation of intangible ideas, and even just the creation of something new.

It will not be a mistake to say that creativity is the creation of new material and non-material values. But in what area a person plans to create them depends only on personal preferences.

The ability to be creative is inherent in each of us, but many lack the knowledge or skills to start. If there were a universal algorithm, where the creative process was described step by step, life would become easier, wouldn’t it? But maybe such a recipe already exists?

The whole process of creativity can be reduced to three main components:

1. Problem

2. Task

3. Solution

Creativity is a kind of protest, an attempt to rethink the old and give life to the new. In the book “The Empire Must Die” (M. Zygar) it was said: “We are condemned to die in order to give rise to a new culture that will take from us what remains of our tired wisdom.” Nothing is perfect, because perfection leaves no room for development. And creativity is moving forward.

So it starts with a problem. Understatement, obsolescence, error can be a catalyst for action. Conflicting interests must find a way out, and some consider the process of solving the problem pure creativity. But when starting to create a new one, it is always worth remembering that a small imperfection is often dominated by that unique feature that makes a work a masterpiece.

The task narrows the range of actions. It is difficult to keep in sight all the immensity of the world. To get a specific result, you need to define a goal and set a specific task for yourself. You should not take the word of those who say that creativity is just inspiration. A strong desire to make a certain dream come true is an inspiration. And desire pursues a certain goal and forms a task.

And finally, a solution. This is not only a result, but also a scheme for obtaining a result verified to the last detail. As they say, the real story is interesting not only for the adventures but also for the changes in the person during these adventures. When we feel how much effort, patience and personal experience the master has put into his product, we respond to it with great attention.

There is another important rule that you should never forget. It was formulated by the economist and sociologist Vilfredo Pareto: “20% of the efforts give 80% of the result, and the remaining 80% of the efforts – only 20% of the result.” Creative agony and periods of stagnation fall precisely on this 80% of not very effective results. In addition, the creative process is not only pure creation but also a careful study of details, editing the results. And it will take 80% of your efforts to perfect the technique, think over the idea, correct the shortcomings.

All the advice of famous and successful personalities can be boiled down to a few obvious truths:

1. Start working as soon as an idea comes to mind.

2. Complete any work.

3. It is better to do a little every day than a lot, but once.

4. Study theory and classics. To break the rules, you need to be well versed in them.

5. Avoid burnout. Stop and rest in time is one of the secrets of success.

6. Go beyond your standards sometimes. An experiment can fail, but it can also be the beginning of something bigger.

The essence of creativity can be expressed in just one capacious phrase: “If there was only one truth, you would not be able to draw a hundred canvases on the same topic.” (P. Picasso)